Business Loan Services

Time to Grow?

Is your business reaching an all-time high? Or you have a plan to help it get there? At Highpoint Community Bank, we know that capital is fundamental to the success of your business. Whether you are starting your own business, purchasing equipment, building, renovating, or purchasing commercial real estate, we are ready to help finance your business needs.

Whether you’re just starting out or expanding an existing business, we have the right product for you.

Real Estate Lending

Real Estate Lending and Commercial Construction are key areas of expertise for Highpoint Community Bank. Our commercial lenders are trained to develop a solid understanding of each opportunity and to work with customers to structure financing solutions that are both innovative and competitive.

Lines of Credit

We understand that there are times when you need extra cash to run your business, and as your partner we are here to help. Our working lines of credit are specifically designed to help you finance the accounts receivable and inventory needs of your business.

Term Loans

Term loans are often used to finance fixed-asset purchases for items such as equipment, vehicles, and furniture. Term loans are a great way to finance permanent working capital or debt consolidation, and are available for buying, improving, or refinancing commercial property.